What To Do If the Defense Appeals a Jury Verdict
Being injured by another driver's negligence is stressful enough. What happens then when the insurance carrier is reluctant to pay? The arduous task of filing a claim in order to help offset the medical costs begins. This can take months, … [Read more...]
How to Remain Safe on Missouri Highways during Winter Months

With another Missouri winter upon us, it is a good idea to keep these driver safety tips in mind. Winter is right around the corner, and with it Missourians can expect to see a spike in highway car crashes. Navigating a car during bad weather or on … [Read more...]
Road Rage: Who Is at Fault When it Ends in a Collision?

Road rage is a serious problem that can have very serious consequences. Twice this year in Missouri we have seen road rage taken to the extreme. An August incident ended with the offending driver taking his own life before being questioned by the … [Read more...]
Know Your Rights If You Are Injured by a Hit and Run Driver

Six million accidents. Two million injuries. Thirty three thousand will die. Each year on the United States roadways there are close to six million car accidents. Over two million people suffer injury from these accidents and thirty three th … [Read more...]
Car Accidents Involving Uninsured Drivers

It is complicated issues such as these that make seeking the advice of a Missouri car accident attorney of utmost importance as soon as you are involved in a collision. It seems unfair. You insure your car with a reputable company and make sure to … [Read more...]
Proceeding With a Car Accident Lawsuit

If you have been injured in a car accident and you wish to explore your legal options, contact an attorney to discuss your legal options and develop a plan of action. If you and your attorney decide that pursuing a lawsuit against negligent parties … [Read more...]
Rearview Video Systems Added to List of Recommended Safety Technologies

This addition was made to improve rear-view visibility and help prevent backover accidents. On Tuesday, September 24, 2013 it was announced that rearview video systems would be added to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's list of … [Read more...]
Understand Why Semi Truck Accidents Happen so You Can Avoid Them
As drivers we hope that we will never be involved in an accident. Yet many accidents occur and many drivers will at some point experience an accident themselves or will hear of a loved one or family member who has been in an accident. Pretty … [Read more...]
Wet Roads and the Potential for Serious Car Accidents

Seasonal weather calls for Missouri drivers to modify their driving to accommodate current road conditions. The Missouri State Highway Patrol has reported that a Perry teenager was injured in a single vehicle accident on Thursday, October 3, at 2:58 … [Read more...]
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